Pyramid Consulting specializes in strategic thinking, business improvement, and the development of enterprise information architectures. As specialists in the area of Business Process Improvement (BPI), we have developed a unique methodology that includes organizational alignment, business process analysis, process modeling, and process reengineering. Our experience in conducting large scale Enterprise Architecture Planning projects includes a methodology to define business drivers, identify technology trends, develop architecture principles/requirements, and the establishment of an IT governance structure. We utilize a variety of contemporary analysis skills in conducting business analysis such as value chain analysis, critical success factor analysis, industry five factor analysis, root cause analysis, force field analysis, and SWOT analysis.
In addition, we are experienced in the design and operation of global wide area networks including standard TCP/IP networking architectures. We are thoroughly versed in all functional areas of the FCAPS model for network management. We are especially focused on the evolving development of web-based operation support systems (OSS) for the telecommunications service provider industry.
As an example of a recent consulting project, we provided facilitation for an off-site strategic planning meeting with the top executives of a federal government contractor. We provided the overall planning methodology and pre-meeting handouts in preparation for the off-site planning sessions. As a result of the strategic planning efforts, the firm identified its competitive strategy, target customers, critical business processes, sustainable competitive advantage, and driving force to go forward in the highly competitive federal government contracting business.
In another consulting project, we guided the development of an Enterprise IT Architecture for a major competitor in the power generation and systems industry. We provided the overall architecture planning framework to an internal IT Scenario team and led the team through all phases of IT architecture planning including business value chain analysis, critical success factor analysis, identification of major business drivers, establishment of IT Architecture Principles, development of specific technology architecture requirements, and the establishment of an executive board to provide continual IT governance and direction.